Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gluten-Free Stromboli

I finally got some photos taken of a gluten-free stromboli that I made for dinner one evening.  I used the same recipe that I use for my gluten-free pizza.

  1. Make the pizza dough following the pizza recipe instructions

  2. Spread it out onto a large piece of parchment paper, just like in the my pizza recipe instructions, except make the entire thing flat, no extra dough needed around the edge for a crust.

  3. Cover spread out dough with your favorite topping stuffers (veggies, meats, cheeses)

  4. Pick up one edge of the parchment paper and fold it over to the other side.

  5. Now push the dough together around the edges to create a sealed stromboli.

  6. DON"T try to pull the parchment paper away now, wait until it is cooked

  7. Place stromboli into the oven to bake (on a pizza stone works best)

  8. After 5-8 minutes, its time to flip it, so very carefully flip it over onto its other side

  9. After another 10 minutes, its time to take it out and enjoy

[gallery link="file" columns="2"]


Kyra said...

Looks yummy! I wish I were there to eat it....Now can you please post some updates on the kiddos as well as some pictures?

Margot Knepp said...

Looks very professional! Have you taken pix to the support group? Like a power point presentation1

Ethan said...

The Celiac Group is aware of my site and many have checked out my site's photos, but a presentation would be a good thing to try.

cecelia said...

gluten free is so much easier when I know I can eat a favorite item. thank you.


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