Thursday, October 29, 2009

Allergy Free White Cake

I am trying to make a cake for my good friend's daughter.  She has many food allergies, including wheat, eggs, and dairy.  I tried one recipe a couple weeks back and wasn't pleased with the texture of the end product, it had great flavor, but it was very dense.  I just had to find a better recipe.

I have been reading about whacky cake recipes online and how they were popular during the depression when people didn't have extra cash for things like milk and eggs.  I actually remember these cakes from my days in grade school.  The whacky cake recipes produced cakes that were great tasting and very moist.  Now, if I could just  fine one catering to a gluten free diet, I would be set.  After several nights looking, I finally found one, Kathy P's Wacky Cake recipe.

Tonight I tried out Kathy P's Wacky Cake recipe and was very pleased with the results!  The cake was very moist and wasn't dense.  The cake was still heavier than a traditional cake, but that's to be expected when cooking gluten free.  I also managed to get a tiny taste when I trimmed down the crown of the cake for stacking it.  The taste was also yummy, score!

I also bought some Cherrybrook Kitchen Vanilla Frosting (completely allergy free).  I guess I can't have it all... the  frosting was extremely thick and almost like glue.  At one point, I thought it was going to rip the top off the cake when I pulled my knife across it.  On a plus side, it had good flavor, but working with the frosting was a nightmare compared to normal frostings.  I think I am going to need to try and make a frosting from scratch so I can get the right consistency.

The important part is that I finally found the cake recipe I am going to use.  Thanks Kathy Przywara, your recipe is going to make a little girl very happy for her 3rd birthday!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tyler Potty Time

So, as many parents know, there are unique events that occur with your children that are worth celebrating.  Two nights ago was one of those events for Casey and I.  Tyler managed to go #1 and #2 in his potty!!!  We were hoping Tyler would eventually do it.  He really enjoys sitting on his training potty, but has never done any real business other than rip off the potty's pee shield.

Good job little man!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mini Monster March

Tonight Casey and I took Hailey and Tyler to Wegmans to check out the Mini Monster March.  It was a lot of fun for Hailey and Tyler.  Both got a bag with some goodies, plus there were games and snacks throughout the store.  We definitely had a good time, thank you Wegmans!

[gallery link="file" columns="2"]

Record Snow

Old news I know, but I finally got around to getting my pictures off my camera of the crazy record snow storm we had here.  I took a photo on the way to work last Friday, check out the trees in the back ground.

Drive to work Friday

The kids and I went outside for some snow fun on Saturday before the flurries turned to rain.  We had a good time making a snow man and rolling around in the snow.  Tyler enjoyed eating snow too!

[caption id="attachment_398" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Tyler taking his first steps in snow"]Tyler taking his first steps in snow[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_395" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Deck view of the Snow"]Deck view of the Snow[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_396" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Hailey posing in the snow"]Hailey posing in the snow[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_397" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Tyler posing while Hailey works on mr snow man"]Tyler posing while Hailey works on mr snow man[/caption]


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